Nivîskarê sirûda me ya neteweyî Dildar, li
Koyê, li Kurdistana Başûr hatiye dunyayê. Navê
wî yê rastî Yunis Raûf e. Piştî ku xwendina lîsê
li bajarê Kerkûkê temam dike diçe Bexdayê
fakûltêta hiqûqê dixwîne û dibe parêzger. Ew ji
advokatiyê zêdetir bala xwe dide ser edebiyatê û
Ji ber ku helbestên wî yên welatparêziyê bûn,
serê wî gelek caran ketiye belayê, ew xistine
hepis û zîndanan. "EY REQÎB" diyariya wî ya herî
mezin e ji gelê wî re. Ew bi vê helbesta xwe ve
îro jî di nav me de dijî.(Roja Nu)
Hey enemy, the Kurdish nation is alive with its language
Can not be defeated by the weapons of any time
Let no one say Kurds are dead
Kurds are living
Kurds are living, their flag will never fall
We, the youth are the red colour of the revolution
Watch our blood that we shed on this way
Let no one say Kurds are dead
Kurds are living
Kurds are living, their flag will never fall
We are the children of Medya and Keyhusrew
Both our faith and religion are our homeland
Both our faith and religion are Kurd and Kurdistan
Let no one say Kurds are dead
Kurds are living
Kurds are living, their flag will never fall
The Kurdish youth have risen like lions
To adorn the crown of life with blood
Let no one say Kurds are dead
Kurds are living
Kurds are living, their flag will never fall
The Kurdish youth are ever present and
Forever will be ready to sacrifice their lives
Sacrifice each life they have, each life they have!!!...